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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Watering can

A charming watering can for the cactus
Second time makeover of plaster container, surrounded the tranparent plastice with nice wrapping paper

The rose family


AFTER : can use to hang and plant small cactus..

BEFORE : Simple can

Sunday, July 26, 2009


Second time to makeover this cake, with my pearl necklace
All this tiny flower,pearl and ribbon are all found at home some time ago

Another good way to display the cake

The giant sponge cake plastic put to good use to keep this cake

The newly decoupage plastic container used to store this cake

Don throw any old sock and straw flower.. you can make like this

Old face towel + old sock = delicious cake

The leftover icing to make this cupcake eventhough it look a bit not round

Cut the span to triangle shape and decorate with pink and yellow icing

cupcake for anyone ? All this is try and error of pumping the icing...


This is my first attempt to make faux cake as everyone is into this fever now. I did not go to Paris to buy the plaster of Paris ( hihi). Instead, i used the leftover plaster power from the wall painting. Just to experienced to mix the poweder with water and pam throught the icing piping. Well, the result turned out to be quite satisfactory but more skill is required to make the cake more fine work. Well, is not an easy work as the cleaning out is messy.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Decoupage - Lids of containers and bottles

My little fish tank, do you think the fish will like this rosy tank ?
Good place to store biscuits with femine lid

Another makeover decoupage design on the normal red lid container

The bottle family with nice and fruity cap. All things store inside will taste better! ( Is actually the bottle of jam, medicine and sauces)

Multi design of the lids, which one melt your heart ?

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Decoupage - plastic container

The rose family that melt everyone's heart
Side view : Experiencing to draw watery stripe.

Anything store in this container will taste better with a soft and shabby lid

The full view of the lid

Decoupage - mix

AFTER : Romantic look of heart shape of wooden box

Shabby comb n mirror

Original outlook

The new life of the straw family

Anyone like this hat ?

AFTER:A pinky tray and basket

BEFORE :Old hat, basket and tray

AFTER : A new life for the straw hat . Someone trash is another person's treassure.

BEFORE : MOM'S OLD STRAW HAT ( Really ugly look, feel like almost throw away as some of the straw is coming out)